Colclough, V. Shane

Fantastic realms! draw fantasy characters, creatures, and settings - IMPACT Books 2006 - 128p. 20.96 x 1.27 x 27.31 cm

With "Fantastic Realms", readers will discover how to sketch, draw and colour their own fantasy worlds - one of the hottest trends in popular art today. This fantasy art guide begins with the basics and uses easy templates to help artists create fantasy worlds, from amazing characters and creatures to fantastic scenes and settings. This book includes: texture detail keys and colouring keys with each demonstration to show readers exactly how to create the different effects; templates of drawings for readers to practice inking or colouring on their own; and an appendix to help readers choose characters and scene characteristics. This is a perfect book for anyone who loves comics, collectable cards, role-playing games, and fantasy creatures.


Comics books
Fantasy art