Moggridge, Bill

Designing Interactions - MIT Press 2006 - 792p. 20.8 x 3.66 x 23.65 cm

Designing Interactions + DVD by Bill Moggridge explores how the elements of design have influenced software and hardware. The book gives an insider's viewpoint on how industrial designers work to make your interaction with technology easy and enjoyable. The book discusses how things that we take for granted today, like the mouse and palm pilot, search engines and play services, are designed. The author explores the journey of technological innovations from inspiration to implementation using a very - approachable yet informative style. The book and DVD have a foreword on interactive design by Gillian Crampton Smith. The author has given two personal stories on innovation in industrial design in the second chapter. This chapter has an enjoyable account of how ideas are steered from the drawing board to the shop floor. The remaining contents of the book is split into 8 chapters. Most of the learning in these chapters are through interviews with 40 designers, who, in the author's opinion, have greatly influenced information technology design. The interviews are grouped in chapters and discuss the design of the desktop and mouse, the laptop and palm pilot and search engines and play engines, with luminaries like Bill Atkinson, Hiroshi Ishii, Larry Page and Dennis Boyle. The last two chapters discuss the future of technological design and give the author's vision of how people will interact with technology in the future. This book has a vibrant look into the past and future of technological design. Designing Interactions + DVD was published by MIT Press in 2006 and is available in hardcover.


Business Encyclopedia
Industrial Engineering
Technological design