Seth, Mira

Indian Painting: The Great Mural Tradition - New York Harry N. Abrams 2006 - 464: ill. 25.08 x 4.45 x 29.85 cm

Wall painting, including murals, cave paintings, and fresco, is an ancient Indian art. India contains some of the earliest examples of wall painting, dating back to the second century BC, and depicting Hindu and Buddhist themes. One can also find secular themes depicting the daily life of aristocracy. All of these works were created with tremendous skill and each painting has a fascination all their own. The author Mira Seth who has visited and studied each painting mentioned, painstakingly records both the detail of the work, and the history and context of the circumstances under which they were made. This book is the first complete survey of classical wall painting throughout India. Lavishly illustrated and written by the foremost scholar on the subject, "Indian Painting: The Great Mural Tradition" is the only book of its kind.


Indian art
Indian wall painting